About Us
Geeking out on gospel topics is a regular thing around here. God is real and we've set out to proclaim it alongside of some of our favorite heroes: Amulek, Paul, Moses, Abinadi, Nephi and Captain Moroni. (To name a few)
We bring a conversational message of hope focusing on the Savior Jesus Christ and how He has answered our prayers and sustained us as we fight for our lives in following him.
We are far from perfect but recognize the Lord's hand in our lives and that is why we share our testimonies. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We are his servants. He is our message.

Nathan Siebach
Nathan is as a non-verbal communications expert and works as a consultant and professional speaker.
Growing up in Reading, Pennsylvania and Dover, Delaware, he was part of a tiny minority as a member of the church which taught him to stand firm in his testimony.
He served in the Canada Toronto West Mission from 2004 - 2006 and has never stopped spreading the word.
After his mission he enlisted in the Army and served for nine years before commissioning as an officer. He has served in the Army for 13 years in the intelligence field and has deployed several times to the middle east.
Nathan received his bachelors degree from the University of Utah in Middle East Studies and his masters degree from Western Governor's University in Management and Leadership.
Emily Siebach
Emily is a mental health professional and works for the state of South Carolina.
This frontier girl was raised in the wild west of Great Falls, Montana and has a strong love for the mountains, nature, and all forms of fur-bearing critters.
She received her undergraduate from the University of Utah in Psychology in 2015. In 2018 she received her graduate degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of South Carolina Aiken. Her expertise is in trauma and working with military veterans.
Emily is a gifted horse and dog trainer. She loves being outdoors, hiking, and snuggling up by the fire with a good book.

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