Wk 30 - Alma 39-42 The Great Plan of Happiness

 Alma the Younger is counseling and teaching his son Corianton who has committed some serious transgressions.

When someone we love has made a serious mistake, it can be hard to know how to respond. Part of what makes Alma 39–42 so valuable is that it reveals how Alma —a disciple of Christ who once had his own grievous sins to repent of —handled such a situation. Alma’s son Corianton had committed sexual sin, and Alma, as he often did, trusted the power of true doctrine to encourage repentance (see Alma 4:19; 31:5).

In these chapters, we observe Alma’s boldness in condemning sin and his tenderness and love for Corianton. And ultimately, we sense Alma’s confidence that the Savior “shall come to take away [sins and] declare glad tidings of salvation” to those who repent. The fact that Corianton eventually returned to the work of the ministry can give us hope for forgiveness and redemption when we are “trouble[d]” about our own sins or the sins of someone we love.

Nathan Siebach is joined by his mother Holly, and brother, Caleb, as they discuss Alma 39-42 and share their insights into these chapters.

A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.

Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!



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