Wk 37 - 3 Nephi 8-11 Arise and Come Forth unto Me

We’ve made it to the coming of the Savior! He’s finally arrived to visit the Nephites and Lamanites. The years covered in these chapters are 33-34 AD.

Jesus has been crucified and many storms and natural disasters occur in the New World. Many cities are destroyed by fire, earthquake, water, storms, volcanoes, and lightning.

Darkness covers the earth for three days and the people who remain hear the voice of Christ proclaim the destruction the people, his divinity, the fulfilling of the Law of Moses, and he invites all to come unto him. After some time, the people gather around the temple in Bountiful and are visited by the Savior.

The Father testifies of His Son, Jesus shows the marks from his crucifixion, gives them authority to baptize, and teaches his doctrine.

Nathan and Jed Harrison discuss 3 Nephi 8-11 and share their insights into these chapters.

A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.

Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!


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