King Benjamin gave a life of service, gathered his armies, and, wielding the sword of Laban, helped defend the Nephites from the Lamanites. Now, in his old age, King Benjamin confers the kingdom upon his son Mosiah and gives his final speech to his people from a tower at the temple.
What would you say to your family and friends if you knew it may be the last time you spoke with them? King Benjamin testifies that Jesus Christ is the only way to return to our Heavenly Father.
Nathan and Emily Siebach review Mosiah 1-3 and share their thoughts and testimonies on the scriptures.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
As we prepare for Easter we contemplate the questions which have been asked throughout history: Why did the Savior have to suffer and die for me? Who will be resurrected and when? How does the Savior's atonement allow me to repent and find strength in my trials.
Nathan Siebach and his mother, Holly Siebach, discuss these questions and much more in preparation for Easter.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Enos prays all day and all night receiving a remission of his sins. He prays for his brethren the Nephites and then for the Lamanites. Jarom reveals that the Nephites lived the Law of Moses but believed in the Messiah as if he'd already come. Five authors compose the book of Omni and the three major groups of the Book of Mormon come together for the first and only time in this book.
Mormon places the unedited Small Plates of Nephi on top of the abridged Large Plates of Nephi and includes a transition called The Words of Mormon. In this book we learn of some really cool facts about King Benjamin not found anywhere else!
Emily and Nathan Siebach share their testimonies and insights into these books.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Drop us a note and let us know of your thoughts and questions. We love hearing from our listeners!
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Jacob shares the allegory of the olive tree with us and, by so doing, reveals to us the loving character of God and our role as his servants in the gathering of the house of Israel. What can you do to labor with the Lord in his vineyard?
Jacob is confronted by Sherem, an antichrist, who denies the coming of a Messiah and demands a sign. Jacob could not be shaken from his faith and boldly defends the gospel. Sherem receives a sign and is struck down by the power of God.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Before Nephi passed away, he consecrated Jacob as a High Priest and gave him the plates to continue the record of the people. With Nephi gone and the Nephites slipping into wickedness and greed, Jacob speaks bluntly to his people and calls them to repent. Riches, the Law of Chastity and magnifying your calling are the major themes of his message.
Brittney Nelson and Nathan Siebach discuss these chapters and how relevant they are today more than ever!
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Nephi concludes his writings in the small plates of Nephi. He teaches the doctrine of Christ - 1. Faith in Jesus 2. Repentance 3. Baptism by immersion 4. Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and 5. Enduring to the end. Nephi testifies that Jesus is the way, the only way, back to our Father in Heaven.
Nathan Siebach and Kyle Wilson discuss the application in of the doctrine of Christ in their lives, how the spirit speaks to them, and Kyle shares his conversion story.
Notes and quotes used in this episode can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
What are you inspired to do when you think of the love of the Lord? What are some of the ways the Lord has shown his love to you? In contrast, what are some of the ways that Satan operates among the children of men?
Nephi gives us answers to these questions and reveals prophesies of the latter-days in 2 Nephi 26-30. Nathan Siebach and Caesar Gonzales discuss these questions, the restoration of the gospel, and the marvelous works and wonders of the Lord in our day.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Notes and quotes from the show can be found here.
Come Follow Me - February 17-23
What is grace and how can you use it in your life? What is "the right way to believe in Christ" that Nephi talks about? What can we learn from the words of Isaiah?
Nathan and Emily Siebach discuss grace, the doctrine of Christ, and the words of Isaiah as found in 2 Nephi 11-25. Nephi records these words for his people and for us.
For the outline, notes, and quotes click here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Lehi finds the Liahona and quickly discovers that it only works according to the heed and diligence they give unto the Lord. Nephi is commanded to build a ship which will ultimately take their family across the ocean to the Promised Land. The Gentiles will receive the restoration of the gospel in the latter days and bring it to the Jews.
As Nathan and Allison Foster discuss 1 Nephi 16-22 you'll learn of the Liahonas in our lives, how the Lord guides us through small and simple means, and gain a better understanding about why the Lord lets bad things happen to good people.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Notes and quotes from the show click here.
This week Aaron Allen, a medic in the Army Special Forces, and I discuss Nephi's vision of the tree of life. Nephi sees the same vision as his father, Lehi, and explains it in great detail including future events like the coming of the Messiah, the discovery of the American continent, and the establishment of the United States where the Book of Mormon would eventually come forth.
Notes and quotes from the show can be found here.
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