Nathan and Emily Siebach discuss the events leading up to the All Enlisted podcast and what it has been like to create this weekly show.
Thank you all so much for joining us this year in studying the Book of Mormon! We have loved sharing our stories and testimonies with you as we struggled through this very interesting year.
Thanks to all of those who have participated in making this production happen each week.
Above all, thanks to God for supporting us, sustaining us, and guiding us every minute of every day. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!
Unfortunately we will not be hosting a show in the future. The Lord is leading us in a different direction and we will certainly miss our weekly discussions with you!
Till we meet again, Godspeed!
We are at the beginning, the middle, and the end. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the main character of the Book of Mormon and he is the reason for the Christmas season.
We’ll discuss the need for a Savior, his miraculous birth, and the purpose of the Book of Mormon.
Nathan and Emily Siebach discuss the birth and role of our Savior Jesus Christ and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Congratulations! We’ve made it to the end of the Book of Mormon!
The year is about 421 A.D. Moroni is the last of the Nephites and is preparing to bury the plates and writes one last message to us.
The gold plates, sword of Laban, and breastplate with the Urim and Thummim are deposited in the Hill Cumorah where they will remain hidden for fourteen hundred years until the resurrected angel Moroni visits Joseph Smith and leads him to the hill in 1823.
Nathan and Stephen Smith discuss Moroni 10 and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
It has been over four hundred years since the coming of the Savior among the Nephites and Moroni alone is left to write a few words to us.
He recounts the words of his father, Mormon, and teaches that we can learn to judge good from evil and all good things are of God.
Faith is a prerequisite for miracles and the ministering of angels.
Mormon taught his people that in order to be saved you must have faith, hope, and charity.
Mormon wrote an epistle to Moroni detailing the wickedness of infant baptism because little children are saved in Christ.
The Nephites had become more wicked than the Lamanites prior to their defeat.
Mormon encourages Moroni to stay strong and faithful despite being alone.
Nathan and Gabe Petersen discuss Moroni 7-9 and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Welcome to the Book of Moroni!
It has been over four hundred years since the appearance of the Savior to the Nephites.
The Nephite people have all been destroyed and Moroni is alone to record a few words for us and to benefit the Lamanites.
The Lamanites put to death every Nephite who will not deny the Christ and Moroni boldly proclaims that he will not deny the Christ.
Jesus gave the Nephite disciples power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost and teaches them how to ordain others to the priesthood.
Moroni records the sacrament prayers, discusses the baptismal covenant, and teaches about the power and guidance of the Holy Ghost.
Nathan Siebach and Mike Kopp discuss Moroni 1-6 and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
Moroni has witnessed the entire Nephite destruction and the death of his father. He now abridges the writings of Ether so that we may have them.
The Lord confounds the language of the people at the Tower of Babel but Jared asks his brother to pray that their families and friends will not be confounded.
They are directed to leave the land and follow the Lord to a promised land and make them a great nation.
The Lord directs them to build barges to cross the ocean and asks the brother of Jared how he proposes to light them. The brother of Jared sees the finger of the Lord touch 16 stones and light them and then Jesus reveals himself to him.
The Lord prepares interpreters for the brother of Jared and Moroni is commanded to seal up his writings.
Moroni prophesies that when the Book of Mormon comes forth there will be three witnesses of the plates upon which it is written.
Nathan and Jacob Siebach discuss Ether 1-5 and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with...
We’re at the end of the Nephite civilization.
The prophet Mormon records his final words in Mormon 7 in 385 A.D.
Many years later, his son, Moroni, finishes his father’s record after years of being alone.
Moroni fought with the Nephites as they were completely destroyed in battle by the Lamanites and now wanders alone with the plates. He encourages all to search the scriptures and the prophecies of Isaiah. He tells us that the Book of Mormon will come forth by the power of God in a day of wickedness and apostasy.
Moroni proclaims that Heavenly Father is a God of miracles and gives revelation, signs, and wonders to those who are faithful.
Nathan and Kat Johnston discuss Mormon 7-9 and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
We’re at the end of the Nephite civilization as we know it. 63 years are covered in these chapters - AD 322-385.
Ammaron instructs 10 year old Mormon concerning the sacred records.
War commences between the Nephites and the Lamanites and the Three Nephites are taken away.
Mormon, at just 16 years old, leads the Nephite armies against the Lamanites and blood and carnage sweep the land. The Nephite day of grace is passed.
Mormon obtains the plates of Nephi as instructed by Ammaron and cries repentance unto the Nephites and they gain a great victory then glory in their own strength.
Mormon refuses to lead them, and his prayers for them are without faith.
The wars continue for many decades and greater wickedness prevails than ever before in all Israel.
Women and children are sacrificed to idols as the Lamanites begin to sweep the Nephites before them. Mormon once again agrees to lead the Nephite armies and the Nephites gather to the land of Cumorah for the final battles.
Mormon hides the...
We’re still at the feet of Jesus but we’re about to race through 300 years of history!
The years covered in these chapters are 34-321 AD
Jesus commands the church to be called in his name.
Nine of the twelve disciples are promised an inheritance in Christ’s kingdom when they die and the other three are given power over death and will remain until Jesus comes again.
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign of the commencement of the latter-day work.
All of the Nephites and Lamanites are converted to the Lord and dwell in peace for two centuries. Then wickedness begins to creep into the church and after three centuries all of the people have become wicked.
Ammaron, the keeper of the sacred records, is commanded to hide them up unto the Lord.
Nathan Siebach discusses 3 Nephi 27 -4 Nephi and shares his insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
We are at the crowning event of the Book of Mormon – Jesus’ visit to the Americas!
Jesus miraculously provides the sacrament and teaches of the Abrahamic covenant and the gathering of Israel. He expounds the scriptures to the people, commands them to search the scriptures, and commands them to write the words of Isaiah.
Jesus explains that his messengers will prepare the way for the Second Coming and a marvelous work will take place in the latter days. Israel is commanded to pay tithes and offerings and keep a book of remembrance.
Nathan Siebach and Lara Koontz discuss 3 Nephi 20-26 and share their insights into these chapters.
A full script from this show with scriptures, notes, and quotes can be found here.
Thanks for joining us as we put on the armor of God!
50% Complete
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